Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I have always been the person who goes above and beyond when people are in need. As the saying goes "treat others the way you want to be treated."

I know I will meet and lose people as the years pass. Its all a learning experience. The most important lesson I have learned is family will always be there, for that I am beyond greatful for my wonderful parents and 4 brothers. At the end of the day I can also count those who truly care for me.

For the past 6 months I have been working nonstop for a company. I without a doubt have met amazing people that showed me the value of hard work and dedication. All of the experiences I have been through while working have only built my character. Everyday I show up to work not knowing what problems will arise. Am I prepare for these obstacles?? HECK NO. The amazing thing is that at the end of the day is knowing you took care of business! Having your boss tell you after a hectic day "Good Job" goes a long way. Not only have I been working nonstop and over 50hrs every week, but I have also managed to keep going to school. I don't know how I have managed....but I have managed.

I know a lot of people at the age of 22 are in the same position as I am. Were all we do is either work, go to school and somehow manage to eat a granola bar in between. I know a lot of 22 years who are also raising a family while juggling both work and school. Somedays I just don't see the point or as some people call it "the light at the end of the tunnel." Somedays I just want to stay curled in bed and watch an entire season of American Horror Story.

I know someday all this amount of extreme dedication, hard work and tiredness will pay off. Sure its nice to be rewarded for all efforts by having nice things. But thats not going to be enough motivation to keep pushing. Theres more to life than just materialistic gains. The amount of mystery as to what else is there to gain is what keeps me going. Its what pushes me to get out of bed every morning.

And to those who I have lost already, I hope you truly understand why I have been gone. Its not that I just gave up on our friendship. I hope we can all just see the bigger picture and not forget to enjoy every moment of this tremendously difficult path!!!